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Saturday, 12 August 2017

Lil Win to charge Awards schemes that nominate him

Actor Lil Win has said he will start charging event houses that nominate him for awards because they have become ventures for making money rather than institutions that honor people for their hard work.

Lil Win who was speaking on his song which is been considered by the National Gospel Awards board said he won’t be hurt if his song, ‘Ladder’ is not selected for the awards.

To him, he concentrates on his work rather than awards so if he is snubbed by any awards scheme he is never hurt because he knows the hard work he pumps into his art will surely pay off.

The actor indicated that most awards in Ghana currently are not credible but money making ventures hence people who deserve to be honored are always not honored because they refuse to grease the palm of the organizers. 

Can you imagine that someone will organize an award which includes Ghanaian actors and Nigerians and the person decides to award only the Nigerians when we know certainly that we have worked hard over the years?”

Lil Win who was speaking in an interview with Kofi Asante of Bolgatanga-based A1 Radio said “I will start charging people who nominate me for awards because they depend on our popularity to make money and at the end, they will give the awards to their cronies rather than those who deserve it.

I will charge them because it will be through my inclusion that my fans will come for the awards”.

source: ghana web
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